After a short delay (had to replace windshield on our car and wait six hours for it to dry) we finally set off for our adventure in Nashville so I could attend the Red Handed Symposium. A conference focused on low fire and red clay is just up my alley plus three of the four presenters are hand builders! It took us two days of driving, my poor dog Roxy had no idea a car ride could be so long. she did have a comfy bed in the back but that only goes so far!
The symposium was held at the Clay Lady’s Campus, a series of industrial buildings converted into part school, part studio space, gallery and shop. It was the perfect location for our presenters, Liz Zlot, Marty Fielding, Ronan Peterson and Amy Saunders. Opening remarks by Linda Arbuckle kicked off the weekend.
The weekend proved to be inspiring, informative, and friendly in an intimate setting that made everyone feel comfortable to ask questions and contribute to discussions. All the presenters jam packed their time with thorough demonstration and excellent discussions. I was particularly taken with Ronan Peterson. His playful creative energy and love of making was palpable and infectious.
Some of Ronan Peterson’s work on display.
beautiful demo by Amy Saunders
demo piece by Marty Fielding
Liz Zlot Summerfield ...... amazing!
All in all it was a great weekend and worth the extra long drive to get there!
Have a great day, Terrie