What an amazing summer I’ve had! Full of great travel, people, and great experiences.
It started with a great trip to Nashville for the Red Handed Symposium. During that trip we also crossed the Smokey Mountains into North Carolina. The mountains are so beautiful, and a little scarey to drive sometimes. We spent three days in Asheville so I could visit Penland School, explore the vibrant art scene in Asheville and also visit the studio of Michael Kline. Meeting Michael was a highlight for me! I love his work and was able to add a few more pieces to my collection. We use his pieces everyday and they make me so happy! Micheal is an accomplished and inspiring person to so many Potters, yet humble and generous with his time and knowledge.
Michael Kline’s studio in North Carolina. Notice those beautiful big pots of his on the porch!
I’d have to say that pursuing something that makes you, and hopefully others, happy is the whole point of choosing a life of creating. There are compromises, that’s for sure, but living with and making stuff is a pretty sweet way to live.
Another exciting thing we did this summer (not clay related!) was to sail our 28’ Aloha around Prince Edward County. This was the second time we have done this, but the first time was a bit of a disaster which left me with a badly sprained ankle, but that’s another story. This year we had no injuries, just pure summer fun. We met up with the Presquille Yacht Club at Waupoos and enjoyed a few days of good company, swimming off the boat (the water is pure, clear and warm), lots of beautiful walks, and visits to the local winery.