It seems like a cold slow spring is making its way to these parts. Finally! I’m itching to get my hands in the garden but I know it’s too early. As usual we have lots of outdoor projects, too many to accomplish really, and I know we will suddenly be inundated with activity. Garden, new patio, sailboat name a few!
This is the swan nesting in the bulrushes near where we keep our sailboat.
Classes have been well underway at the studio. We’ve had lots of fun making cups and bowls from templates and darting the bottoms to alter the shape. You can see some of them in the photo below, some still waiting to be glazed.
We also used cabbage leafs to impress texture into clay slabs for building bowls. This proved to be a popular project with both classes.
glazed cabbage leaf bowls waiting for the final glaze firing.
A new session of classes begin June 5th if you are interested in trying your hand at it. We all need a break from the garden now and then. Visit my ‘Learn’ page for more information.
Keep thinking spring thoughts...